[Tex/LaTex] Adjust font size on-the-fly


In my document I want to emphasize some key points by placing them in a box with rounded corners. This I do using the following code:



\begin{minipage}[c][.35\textwidth]{.5\textwidth} % [text in box][height][width]
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.


The dimensions of the box I would like to have fixed. When the text now becomes too big for the box, can I let LateX notice that and have it adjust the font size such that it does fit?

I was made aware of this fit-text-into-given-box-by-adjusting-the-fontsize question, but have not been able to transform the answer it into a workable solution for me (i.e. getting an \ovalbox around it).

Further have I noticed that paragraphs in the proposed solutions are not indented anymore, how can that be avoided?

Best Answer





This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.


enter image description here

Here are some explanations. First of all, the \NewEnviron-defined environment gathers its contents. This contents is typeset in a "private" box and if it fits the size requirements it's passed for final typesetting; otherwise we try at a size half a point less and redo until the requirements are respected. One can redefine \WARNING as wished; it will be come into action when the recursion is started and the font is already at 5pt size.

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