[Tex/LaTex] Addition (+) symbol is not showing after compilation


I don't use LaTeX often, when I create a document I usually use my old as a draft and add new packages when I need them. I have a complex document created right now and I noticed that there are no addition (plus) symbols in my equations.

According to the similar topic (Addition Symbol Isn't showing In PDF) it is connected with packages I use that somehow conflict with each other. I tried to find a cause, but I failed, any help of more experienced user would be very appreciated.


Any equation, for example:

F = Q\left(\textbf{E} + \textbf{v} \times \textbf{B}\right)

but any equations, even simple using $$ signs does not render "+".

working class code:

% File:     pk.cls           (LaTeX Document class option "pk")

\message{*** ***}       

\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % 


\geometry{lmargin=30mm, rmargin=20mm, tmargin=25mm, bmargin=25mm, foot=10mm, head=10mm}

\def\shorttitlePL#1   {\gdef\@shorttitlePL{#1}}
\def\shorttitleEN#1   {\gdef\@shorttitleEN{#1}}
\def\authorEN#1       {\gdef\@authorEN{#1}}
\def\shortauthor#1    {\gdef\@shortauthor{#1}}
\def\titlePL#1        {\gdef\@titlePL{#1}}
\def\titleEN#1        {\gdef\@titleEN{#1}}
\def\facultyEN#1      {\gdef\@facultyEN{#1}}
\def\facultyPL#1      {\gdef\@facultyPL{#1}}
\def\thesistypePL#1   {\gdef\@thesistypePL{#1}}
\def\thesistypeEN#1   {\gdef\@thesistypeEN{#1}}
\def\supervisorPL#1   {\gdef\@supervisorPL{#1}}
\def\supervisorEN#1   {\gdef\@supervisorEN{#1}}
%\def\acknowledgements#1   {\gdef\@acknowledgements{#1}}
\def\departmentPL#1   {\gdef\@departmentPL{#1}}
\def\departmentEN#1   {\gdef\@departmentEN{#1}}



{\small \textit{#1}}


\newpage  \titlepage


%    \begin{tabular}{lcl}
%      \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[height=16mm]{pk.jpg}} &
%     \Large \textsc{\textbf{UNI name}} &
%      \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[height=16mm]{mech2}}\\
%      &\textsc{\textbf{\@facultyEN}\vspace*{1mm}}\\
%      &\textsc{\textbf{Institute name}}&
%    \end{tabular}

{\large Field of study:}\\\vspace*{1mm}

{\large Speciality:}}\\\vspace*{2mm}


{\huge\scshape \@thesistypeEN}\\\vspace*{2cm}

{\LARGE\scshape \@authorEN}\\\vspace*{2cm}

{\LARGE{\bfseries\scshape \@titleEN}}\\\vspace*{3cm}

\large{\scshape Supervisor:\\} \@supervisorEN

\vfill{\Large City, \@date}


\clearpage \titlepage


%    \begin{tabular}{lcl}
%      \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[height=1.6cm]{pk.jpg}} &
%     \Large \textsc{\textbf{university full name}} &
%      \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[height=1.6cm]{mech2}}\\
%      &\textsc{\textbf{\@facultyPL}\vspace*{1mm}}\\
%      &\textsc{\textbf{Institute full name}}&
%    \end{tabular}
%    }

{\hspace*{-1cm}\large field of studies full name pl}\\\vspace*{1mm}

{\hspace*{-1cm}\large Specialty full name pl}}\\\vspace*{2mm}


{\huge\scshape \@thesistypePL}\\\vspace*{2cm}

{\LARGE\scshape \@author}\\\vspace*{2cm}

{\LARGE{\bfseries\scshape \@titlePL}}\\\vspace*{3cm}

\large{\scshape Promotor:\\} \@supervisorPL

\vfill{\Large CityPL, \@date}



\textbf{Autor pracy:} 

\textbf{Nr pracy:}



\fancyfoot[L]{\small \@shortauthor\quad\textit{\@shorttitleEN}}

\fancyfoot[L]{\small \@shortauthor\quad\textit{\@shorttitleEN}}


\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\fancyhead[L]{\slshape{\small \rightmark}}
\fancyhead[R]{\bfseries \thepage}


\widowpenalty     9999 
\clubpenalty      9999 

{\bfseries\LARGE}{\filright \LARGE\thechapter. }{0ex}{}
%odst�py: lewy, g�ra, d��
{\bfseries\Large}{\filright \Large\thesection. }{0ex}{}
\titlespacing{\section}{7mm}{8mm plus 0mm minus 1mm}{4mm plus 0mm minus 1mm}
{\bfseries\large}{\filright \large\thesubsection. }{0ex}{}
{\bfseries\normalsize}{\filright \normalsize\thesubsubsection. }{0ex}{}


main document:

% \documentclass[pdflatex,11pt]{pk}
% dodatkowe pakiety
\usepackage{color, colortbl}
% options apply to all captions
% applies to all subfigure and subtable captions




%koniec podpisow



\author{author name}
\authorEN{author name}
\shortauthor{a. name}

\titlePL{title in polish}
\titleEN{title in english}

\shorttitlePL{short title PL}

\shorttitleEN{short title EN}

\thesistypePL{Praca Magisterska}
\thesistypeEN{Master of Science Thesis}

\supervisorPL{Prof. dr. hab. inż.}

\supervisorEN{Professor name}


\departmentEN{Department of}













I know it is a huge mess, but I always added new packages when I needed it and didn't delete unnecessary ones and now whole thing is too complex for me to know which I really use right now.
I commented out figures and external chapter files so it works without any additional files.

Please help me find the cause of the problem without breaking functionality of the code, thank you!

EDIT 2: deleting line \usepackage{pslatex} solves the problem with equations, but my bibliography does not work. I use `\printbibliography' for it and
example of biblio.bib file looks as follows:

  author = {Michelangelo Mangano and Patrizia Azzi and Monica D’Onofrio and Matthew Mccullough},
  title  = {Physics at its limits},
  year   = {2017},
  url    = {https://cerncourier.com/a/physics-at-its-limits/},

  author    = {Steinmetz, Charles},
  title     = {Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits},
  year      = {1917},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},

I use PdfLaTeX+ Biber to compile.

I receive an information "sorry, but miktex-makemf did not succeed" and "sorry, but miktex-makepk did not succeed"
Error log has 1500 lines so I don't want put it here. I use PdfLaTeX+ Bib(la)TeX to compile.

Best Answer

You did not provide an example of a missing +, a more reasonable test file would be

enter image description here





Do not load pslatex and in general you should delete most of the package lines, as they are repeating and conflicting. Only use a package if you know you need it.

You have edited the question so your code no longer uses pslatex and the + signs now appear:

enter image description here

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