[Tex/LaTex] Adding text to the section numbering


I wish to add some text prior to the number given to a subsection, e.g.:

Task 1.1  Blablabla
Task 1.2  Blablabla


Best Answer

To add text before the section, you can use:

\renewcommand{\thesection}{Text \arabic{section}}

enter image description here

or for subsection you can use:

\renewcommand{\thesubsection}{Text \arabic{section}}

enter image description here

Code: section


\renewcommand{\thesection}{Text \arabic{section}}

\section{First section}
Some text.

\section{Second section}
Some more text.

Code: subsection:


\renewcommand{\thesubsection}{Text \arabic{subsection}}

\section{First section}
\subsection{First sub section}
Some text.
\subsection{Second sub section}
Some more text.