[Tex/LaTex] Adding Text in Header for Specific Pages


I am preparing some class notes and I want to add the "session number" and "date of session" at the header of specific pages manually. I also want the "page number" on all pages. I am using the article document class.

For example, at page 1 header I want to have

Session 1, 19.Feb.2017

and at page 3 header I want to have

Session 2, 21.Feb.2017

How should I do this?



\rhead{\textbf{Session No. Date}}


\section{First Section}


\section{Second Section}


Best Answer

Here's a simple approach using fancyhdr and own pagestyles for this special task. This is based on your first MWE.

I've just defined a new pagestyle via \fancypagestyle which has only one change (the rest is kept from the overall setup): it sets one head (\lhead) to a temporary value (saved in \tmpx). For your convenience (to not write \renewcommand{\tmpx}{} every time) I introduced a setter-macro called \tmp, which you have to call to set the information used in the new pagestyle.

The usage is simple: On the page you want extra information on you just set them using \tmp and then load the other pagestyle using \thispagestyle.



\lhead{Guides and tutorials}
\rfoot{Page \thepage}



\section{First Section}\tmp{Session 1 -- Date}\thispagestyle{sec}


\section{Second Section}\tmp{Session 2 -- Date}\thispagestyle{sec}
