[Tex/LaTex] Adding text color in beamer


I am trying to use \usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color} package given here .I am using \color{RubineRed}{NameName} to change the color of the text NameName.But, the color of the text doesn't change.

\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
  Name & Name&Name&NameName&NameName\\
  NameName&NameName B &NameName B &- &NameName B\\
  NameName&NameName A&NameName A&NameName A&NameName A\\
  NameName&NameName B &NameName &-&- \\
  NameName&NameName C&NameName C&NameName C&-\\
} % end of scope of "\resizebox"  directive

Can someone help me to understand what is wrong?

Best Answer

You are overdoing with color packages. Pass the options through the beamer options:

  Name & Name&Name&NameName&NameName\\
  NameName&NameName B &NameName B &- &NameName B\\
  NameName&NameName A&NameName A&NameName A&NameName A\\
  NameName&NameName B &NameName &-&- \\
  NameName&NameName C&NameName C&NameName C&-\\
} % end of scope of "\resizebox"  directive

enter image description here