[Tex/LaTex] Adding New Bullet Item (Using Awesome-CV Template)


I am using the Awesome-CV template (https://github.com/posquit0/Awesome-CV) and am attempting to add a new bullet point under the "Honors and Awards" section under each of those items.

enter image description here

So, the bullet point would be under the "2014 Finalist" point as an example. I'm clearly a beginner to Latex so I am not sure where to add this or how to format it. Thanks in advance.

The code for this section is:

\cvsection{Honors \& Awards}
        {DEFCON 22nd CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}
        {DEFCON 21st CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}
        {DEFCON 19th CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}
        {6th Place}
        {SECUINSIDE Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Seoul, S.Korea}

I am hoping to have it similar to the bullet point in the following image:
enter image description here

Best Answer

I didn't really read the documentation of awesome-cv template but I found out that inside cvhonors environment you can not use an itemize environment.

This (for me) means that cvhonors environment is already a fixed enumerate or itemize environment with a way that you can not really use a "nested" itemize inside of it.

My fix is to break the environment (See my added \end{cvhonors} and \begin{cvhonors}) and add a minipage between them with your itemize environment.

The usage of the minipage is because we have to reduce the distance of the bullet points that are still obeying at template's special distances.

My MWE is here:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}
\cvsection{Honors \& Awards}
        {DEFCON 22nd CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}

            \item test 1
            \item test 2

        {DEFCON 21st CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}
        {DEFCON 19th CTF Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Las Vegas, U.S.A}
        {6th Place}
        {SECUINSIDE Hacking Competition World Final}
        {Seoul, S.Korea}


PS: This can be said a MWE but it needs many of the fonts from your link


enter image description here