[Tex/LaTex] Adding lines to bar charts

bar chartpgfplotstikz-pgf

Is it possible to add a straight horizontal black line (from (0, 0.4) until the very end of the graph) in a bar chart environment like this:

enter image description here

Here is the code that generates this bar chart (borrowed from: Grouped bar chart)

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,onecolumn, openright]{report}

% Define bar chart colors

        width  = 0.85*\textwidth,
        height = 8cm,
        major x tick style = transparent,
        bar width=14pt,
        ymajorgrids = true,
        ylabel = {Run time speed},
        symbolic x coords={EgyptHD,Hover,Navi},
        xtick = data,
        scaled y ticks = false,
        enlarge x limits=0.25,
        legend cell align=left,
        legend style={
                anchor=south east,
                column sep=1ex
            coordinates {(EgyptHD, 1.0) (Hover,1.0) (Navi,1.0)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,1.123) (Hover,0.85) (Navi,1.09)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,0.92) (Hover,0.56) (Navi,0.95)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,0.74) (Hover,1.07) (Navi,1.23)};

        \legend{No vectorization,TreeScore $>2$,TreeScore $>3$,TreeScore $>4$}

Best Answer

You can use extra y ticks like

    extra y ticks = 0.4,
    extra y tick labels={},
    extra y tick style={grid=major,major grid style={thick,draw=black}}

and draw a grid. To add a legend, you can use \addlegendimage and define an image code my legend as in the following code.

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,onecolumn, openright]{report}

% Define bar chart colors

/pgfplots/my legend/.style={
legend image code/.code={
\draw[thick,black](-0.05cm,0cm) -- (0.3cm,0cm);%

        width  = 0.85*\textwidth,
        height = 8cm,
        major x tick style = transparent,
        bar width=14pt,
        ymajorgrids = true,
        ylabel = {Run time speed},
        symbolic x coords={EgyptHD,Hover,Navi},
        xtick = data,
        scaled y ticks = false,
        enlarge x limits=0.25,
        legend cell align=left,
        legend style={
                anchor=south east,
                column sep=1ex
        extra y ticks = 0.4,
        extra y tick labels={},
        extra y tick style={grid=major,major grid style={thick,draw=black}}
            coordinates {(EgyptHD, 1.0) (Hover,1.0) (Navi,1.0)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,1.123) (Hover,0.85) (Navi,1.09)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,0.92) (Hover,0.56) (Navi,0.95)};

             coordinates {(EgyptHD,0.74) (Hover,1.07) (Navi,1.23)};

        \legend{No vectorization,TreeScore $>2$,TreeScore $>3$,TreeScore $>4$}
        \addlegendimage{my legend}
        \addlegendentry{My line}
        %\draw (rel axis cs: 0,0.3) -- (rel axis cs: 1, 0.3);

enter image description here