[Tex/LaTex] Adding axes labels to LaTeX figures


I have almost managed,

With this code:

\rotatebox{90}{\textcolor{red}{$y$-axis label}}
\rotatebox{90}{\textcolor{red}{$y$-axis label}}

  \vspace*{0.1cm}\hspace*{2.0cm}\textcolor{red}{$x$-axis label}
   \vspace*{0.1cm}\hspace*{5.0cm}\textcolor{red}{$x$-axis label}

I get this:enter image description here

I would like:

  • To have the other 'y-label' next to the second graph, and
  • if possible, have the 'x-label' and 'y-label' centred underneath (on the side) of the plots.

Best Answer

A solution with tikzpicture:



  \node (img)  {\includegraphics[scale=0.225]{example-image}};
  \node[below=of img, node distance=0cm, yshift=1cm,font=\color{red}] {x-axis};
  \node[left=of img, node distance=0cm, rotate=90, anchor=center,yshift=-0.7cm,font=\color{red}] {y-axis};
  \node (img)  {\includegraphics[scale=0.225]{example-image}};
  \node[below=of img, node distance=0cm, yshift=1cm,font=\color{red}] {x-axis};
  \node[left=of img, node distance=0cm, rotate=90, anchor=center,yshift=-0.7cm,font=\color{red}] {y-axis};

enter image description here

And without minipages:


  \node (img1)  {\includegraphics[scale=0.225]{example-image}};
  \node[below=of img1, node distance=0cm, yshift=1cm,font=\color{red}] {x-axis};
  \node[left=of img1, node distance=0cm, rotate=90, anchor=center,yshift=-0.7cm,font=\color{red}] {y-axis};
  \node[right=of img1,yshift=0.1cm] (img2)  {\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{example-image}};
  \node[below=of img2, node distance=0cm, yshift=1cm,font=\color{red}] {x-axis};
  \node[left=of img2, node distance=0cm, rotate=90, anchor=center,yshift=-0.7cm,font=\color{red}] {y-axis};

I had to replace your pdf files with the example-image of graphicx. Please try to provide a MWE in future questions.