[Tex/LaTex] Adding a title to theorem environment


I am trying to use the theorem environment in my work as Sample Problem.

This is my MWE:



\newtheorem{mythm}{Sample Problem}[chapter]

\chapter{New Chapter}
    Problem statement goes here. But, where does go title?

And the output,

enter image description here

Actually, I need something like this,

enter image description here

In other words, my Sample Problem lacks a Title.

How can I include a title within the theorem environment?

Best Answer

Here's a solution with thmtools, which eases defining new theorem styles:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fourier, erewhon, cabin}
\usepackage[table, x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{mathtools}
\usepackage{amsthm, thmtools}
\usepackage{microtype} \SetTracking[no ligatures = {f}]{encoding = *}{50}
within=chapter, headpunct={\medskip}, postheadspace=\newline, notefont=\color{black}\mdseries, notebraces = {\quad}{},spaceabove = 8pt,spacebelow = 8pt]%

\declaretheorem[name=Sample Problem, style=sample]{mypb}



\begin{mypb}[Adding vectors in a drawing, orienteering]
  Show the following assertion is true: %
    a = a


enter image description here

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