[Tex/LaTex] Adding a picture before abstract in extended abstract format


I am writing a conference paper in the Extended Abstract Format (with the chi-ext class, distributed by SIGCHI). The problem I am getting is to inserting a picture under the section of authors description as shown in the following image (and also how do I insert a image in the side bar on the left).

enter image description here

The code I have so far is:

\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}

    \textbf{First Author}\\
    \affaddr{AuthorCo, Inc.}\\
    \affaddr{123 Author Ave.}\\
    \affaddr{Authortown, PA 54321 USA}\\

\usepackage{graphicx}   % for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance}    % useful for balancing the last columns
\usepackage{bibspacing} % save vertical space in references



In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX


Note that this example has to be compiled with XeTeX or LuaTeX because the class requires it.

Best Answer

I found a version of chi-ext.cls from 2008 on Github and another one from 2010 on code.google. So, I did a solution for each of them. You will see that the older one requires more "hand crafting", where the recent version provides a \teaser macro that takes the inclusion of some contet below the authors as an argument. However, for both versions the picture on the side is realized with a marginal note. For test purpose I used \rule as a placeholder for the pictures.

Code 1

\documentclass{chi-ext} %2008/11/25
\usepackage{graphicx} %for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance} %useful for balancing the last columns
%\usepackage{bibspacing} %save vertical space in references

\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}
    \textbf{First Author}\\
    AuthorCo, Inc.\\
    123 Author Ave.\\
    Authortown, PA 54321 USA\\
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).\\
This is a generic SIGCHI \LaTeX\ template sample.\\
The corresponding ACM copyright statement must be included.

\makeauthors\marginpar{\raggedright \rule{0.95\marginparwidth}{6cm}} %Replace "\rule..." with \includegraphics[width=0.95\marginparwidth]{picname}
{\raggedright \rule{.475\textwidth}{6cm}} %\rule -> \includegraphics[width=.475\textwidth]{picname}

  In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX


\onecolumn %Just in case that you want to return to the original formatting

Note that I disabled the bibspacing package because it is irrelevant to the solution and canceled a bunch of macros (\numberofauthors, \alignauthors, ...) because they are simply not there in this version of the class. You may compile twice to get the pictures in the right position.

Code 2

\documentclass{chi-ext} %2010/12/01
\usepackage{graphicx} %for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance} %useful for balancing the last columns
%\usepackage{bibspacing} %save vertical space in references

\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}
    \textbf{First Author}\\
    \affaddr{AuthorCo, Inc.}\\
    \affaddr{123 Author Ave.}\\
    \affaddr{Authortown, PA 54321 USA}\\
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).\\
This is a generic SIGCHI \LaTeX\ template sample.\\
The corresponding ACM copyright statement must be included.
\teaser{\rule{\textwidth}{6cm}} %Replace "\rule..." with \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{picname}


\maketitle\marginnote{\centering \rule{\marginparwidth}{6cm}} %analougus to \teaser

  In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX

Guides, instructions, author's kit, conference publications
%Enter your keywords here

\category{H.5.m}{Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI)}{Miscellaneous}.
See: \url{http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998/}
for help using the ACM Classification system.

\terms{Documentation, Standardization}


Also here I disabled bibspacing for the same reason as above and compiling twice could be necessary too.

Output 1


Output 2


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