[Tex/LaTex] Adding a caption or title to a listing in an mdframed environment


I have several pieces of Matlab script I have put into boxes using the below method. I want to be able to call them listings 1 2 3 4 etc. Preferably a command that will do it automatically for me. New to LaTeX so no idea I have searched and found very little.

    S = 55; % Value of the underlying
    V =
        2.2147   %This is the value of our put option

Best Answer

If you want to keep your current settings (mdframed+verbatim), you can use the \captionof command from the caption package to obtain a caption. Another option is to use the features provided by the listings package (instead of using mdframed+verbatim) to write your listings; the lstlisting environment gives you the possibility to have a frame and caption for your listings:




    S = 55; % Value of the underlying
    V =
        2.2147   %This is the value of our put option

    S = 55; % Value of the underlying
    V =
        2.2147   %This is the value of our put option


enter image description here

If you want this to apply automatically, you can surround verbatim with a mdframed and use the settings key to automatically generate the caption:





    S = 55; % Value of the underlying
    V =
        2.2147   %This is the value of our put option

    S = 55; % Value of the underlying
    V =
        8.2147   %This is the value of our put option


enter image description here