[Tex/LaTex] Add the field “Subject” to moderncv letter


As discussed on this forum latex-community: How to include Subject to letter, I'd like to add an extra field "Subject: " to moderncv letter template.

\textbf{Subject: \@subject}

the new \makeletterhead command will be something like this:

  % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
  % sender block
   % recipient block
  % date
  \hfill% US style
%  \\[1em]% UK style
  \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900"
\textbf{Subject: \@subject}
  % opening
  % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line
%  \ignorespacesafterend% not working

Not to forget that the parameter \@subject should be retrieved somewhere.


The question is how to add a "Subject" field in a way that when the command \makelettertitle is executed the subject text will be placed before the openning statement.

Best Answer

Thanks to David Carlisle's comment I have corrected my attempt, here's an example:




%Add the field "Subject" to the definition of the letter header


  % date
  \hfill% US style
%  \\[1em]% UK style
  \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900"
\textbf{Subject: \@subject}\\
  % opening
  % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line

\recipient{Company Recruitment team}{Company, Inc.\\123 somestreet\\Some City 00000}
\date{Septembre 05, 2016}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}
\closing{Yours faithfully,}
\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}}
\subject{Apply for...}


Duis sit amet magna ante, at sodales diam. Aenean consectetur porta risus et sagittis. Ut interdum, enim varius pellentesque tincidunt, magna libero sodales tortor, ut fermentum nunc metus a ante. Vivamus odio leo, tincidunt eu luctus ut, sollicitudin sit amet metus. Nunc sed orci lectus. Ut sodales magna sed velit volutpat sit amet pulvinar diam venenatis.



The definition of the command \makeletterhead was picked from moderncvbodyiii.sty since the banking style (used in the example) uses moderncvbodyiii.sty file.