[Tex/LaTex] Add notes under the table


I'm using the latex package apa6e because the apa package isn't using APA style version 6 yet.

Now I'm trying to add a table with notes right underneath it, like in this table for instance:

Example Table

Since the \caption{} is used as a title above the table, I have to add an extra row for the notes that goes over the whole table width. The problem is that the notes won't fit into one line so I need multi-line cell. How can I accomplish that? Or am I doing it totally wrong and there is a much easier way? I guess footnotes don't work here.


foo & bar\\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Notes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lacus orci, porttitor et posuere sit amet, tempor non justo. Ut quis aliquet turpis. Ut dictum nulla eget purus elementum a lacinia libero varius. Donec malesuada nulla ut odio rhoncus convallis. Aenean faucibus sollicitudin sapien, a vestibulum ante rhoncus sit amet. In vitae mi justo. In arcu metus, porta et lacinia ut, ultricies sed eros.}


Best Answer

As a demonstration, here is an implementation using threeparttable:


    \caption{Sample ANOVA table}
        Stubhead & \( df \) & \( f \) & \( \eta \) & \( p \) \\
                 &     \multicolumn{4}{c}{Spanning text}     \\
        Row 1    & 1        & 0.67    & 0.55       & 0.41    \\
        Row 2    & 2        & 0.02    & 0.01       & 0.39    \\
        Row 3    & 3        & 0.15    & 0.33       & 0.34    \\
        Row 4    & 4        & 1.00    & 0.76       & 0.54    \\
      \item This is where authors provide additional information about
      the data, including whatever notes are needed.


Example of threeparttable LaTeX package