[Tex/LaTex] Add image to Two-column CV on sharelatex.com


I would like to use the following template for my CV: https://www.sharelatex.com/templates/cv-or-resume/two-column-cv

Unfortunately the standard template does not support to include a picture. As this is common in Germany, I would like to add one. Who can help me to solve this problem?

Best Answer

Found the solution by myself. I deleted the \part{} command after \begin{document} and pasted the following instead:

\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\sffamily\Huge <FIRST NAME><LAST NAME>% Your name
\small Place of birth: <DATE>\\
\small Date of birth: <CITY>

before the first section. Don't forget to load \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble.