[Tex/LaTex] Add header and footer to each page from a pdf template


I have a document and I would like to include a header and footer to each page.
The header and footer are at the top and bottom of an otherwise blank pdf file which is to be used as a template. Is there a way for me to overlay the header and footer of the pdf with the document?

\usepackage{lipsum}% Just for this example




Best Answer

Here's an option using the background package:

enter image description here

The code (needs two runs for the elements to reach their final locations):

\usepackage{lipsum}% Just for this example
  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node[text width=\linewidth,anchor=south,align=center] 
    at ([yshift=1cm]current page.south)
    {This is the footer};
  \node[text width=\linewidth,anchor=south,align=center] 
    at ([yshift=-2cm]current page.north)
    {This is the header};




Using the options for the \nodes, you can control the desired positioning.