[Tex/LaTex] Adapt harvard-thesis template to B5 format


I have no really idea how to adapt the harvard-thesis template to B5 format. I found this post related with, but I don't know how to adapt it to my template:

Thesis template to B5 paper size. What about margins?

My University doesn't clarify the margins and other metrics.

Heres is a copy of the template I am using:


Best Answer

If you open the GitHub repo of the Dissertate class, and download the Harvard .zip file, you can find the Dissertate.cls file that defines the class you want to use.

In this class definition, you can observe that it loads letterpaper option by default (see e.g. line 14).
The solution is thus to create a new class based on Dissertate.cls, but that loads the b5paper option instead of letterpaper.

Caution: when you modify one class, you should create a copy of it and rename it, since it's not the same class anymore. See below an example that you can save as DissertateB5.cls. Following items have been changed:

  • Header: Filename, date of last update, etc.
  • \ProvidesClass: updated with the new name
  • \LoadClass : changed in order to load the book class with the b5paper option
  • \RequirePackage[<...>]{geometry} : load with the b5paper option, instead of letterpaper


  1. copy-paste this text into a file named DissertateB5.cls and saved in the same directory as your .tex document.
  2. In your .tex documents, use \documentclass{DissertateB5} where you used \documentclass{Dissertate}

That's all !

% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%  @LaTeX-class-file{
%     filename        = "DissertateB5.cls",
%     version         = "2.0",
%     date            = "06 December 2016",
%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%     keywords        = "LaTeX, Dissertate",
%     supported       = "Send email to suchow@post.harvard.edu.",
%     docstring       = "Class for a dissertation."
% --------------------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesClass{DissertateB5}[2016/12/06 v2.1 DissertateB5 Class]
\LoadClass[12pt, oneside, b5paper]{book}

% Options

% Line spacing: dsingle/ddouble
%   Whether to use single- or doublespacing.
    \ClassWarning{Dissertate}{Single-spaced mode on.}


% Line Spacing
%   Define two line spacings: one for the body, and one that is more compressed.

% Block quote with compressed spacing

% Itemize with compressed spacing

% Enumerate with compressed spacing

% Text layout.
\RequirePackage[width=5.75in, b5paper]{geometry}
\parindent 12pt

% Fonts.
\setmathsfont(Digits,Latin,Greek)[Numbers={Proportional}]{EB Garamond}
\setmathrm{EB Garamond}
\setromanfont[Numbers=OldStyle, Ligatures={Common, TeX}, Scale=1.0]{EB Garamond}
\newfontfamily{\smallcaps}[RawFeature={+c2sc,+scmp}]{EB Garamond}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase, BoldFont={Lato Bold}]{Lato Regular}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Code Pro}

% Headings and headers.
\RequirePackage[tiny, md, sc]{titlesec}

% Front matter.
\renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\normalsize \scshape}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{Listing of figures}
\renewcommand\listtablename{Listing of tables}

% Endmatter

% References.

% An environment for paragraph-style section.
   \addvspace{1.0\baselineskip plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}%

% Align reference numbers so that they do not cause an indent.
     \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
      {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}

% Some definitions.
% School name and location
\university{Harvard University}

% School color found from university's graphic identity site:
% http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k75408&pageid=icb.page392732
\definecolor{SchoolColor}{rgb}{0.6471, 0.1098, 0.1882} % Crimson
\definecolor{chaptergrey}{rgb}{0.6471, 0.1098, 0.1882} % for chapter numbers


% Formatting guidelines found in:
% http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/publications/form_of_the_phd_dissertation.php
    % \listoffigures % optional

    \Huge \textcolor{SchoolColor}{\thetitle} \normalsize \\
    \textsc{a dissertation presented \\ by\\
    \theauthor\\ to\\ The Department of \@department\\
    in partial fulfillment of the requirements\\
    for the degree of\\ \@degree\\
    in the subject of\\ \@field\\
    \@university\\ \@universitycity, \@universitystate\\
    \@degreemonth\ \@degreeyear}
    \end{center} \vspace*{\fill}

    \scshape \noindent \small \copyright \small 2014\hspace{3pt}-- \theauthor \\
    \noindent all rights reserved.

    \lhead{Thesis advisor: Professor \@advisor} \rhead{\@author}
        \Large \textcolor{SchoolColor}{\@title} \normalsize \\
        \scshape Abstract \\ \rm
    \newpage \lhead{} \rhead{}


    \newpage \thispagestyle{fancy} \vspace*{\fill}
    \scshape \noindent \input{frontmatter/dedication}
    \vspace*{\fill} \newpage \rm

    \vspace*{\fill} \newpage

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