[Tex/LaTex] Abstract not on a separate page


I'm writing a scientific paper for my university. The page after my table of contents I would like to start my document with a abstract, directly following with the first section. As far as I know, the document class scrartcl will not insert page breaks after the abstract. Somehow my abstract is on an own page.
Here's my code:






\textbf{\textsf{blabla} }






\tableofcontents % Inhaltsverzeichnis

Abstract\dots blablablablablablablablablablablablablabla blablablablabla    blablabl ablablablablabla blablablabla blablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla

What's the cause?

Best Answer

With the titlepage class option, a page break will also be added after the abstract environment (like it would when using the article standard class). Solution: Either don't use this option at all, or disable it before the abstract using \KOMAoptions{titlepage=false}.









