[Tex/LaTex] about graphic format to put in a latex file


I am a newbie in Latex and I am using TexEditor for using LaTeX and then converting my document into PDF. The issue that I have is that I want to include some math plots in my document.

Now, the program that I am using for capturing the plots can only store the graphic in: jpeg, bmp or gif. I have read that for not having lose of quality in my final document I should store it in eps format, is that right?

So in which format should I store the initial graph, in jpeg, bmp or gif? after that, what can I do? convert it by some online tool like http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-eps or using Adobe Photoshop?

Things to consider

  • I am using Windows 7
  • The graph is obtained by a math program, that program does not allow the conversion to pdf directly, and only can save it in the three formats I mentioned before

Best Answer


Apparently you are wanting to include a raster image format into your document. Of course, vector formats are preferred for such tasks, as including plots.

Using raster graphics formats

Nevertheless, you can find a comparison of various image compression formats here: http://www.aivosto.com/vbtips/imageformats.html

Personally I don't think, that bmp is a good choice, as it doesn't offer any compression, any your files tend to get huge.

jpeg offers a higher color range, than gif, while gif supports transparency.


If you have any possibility to save your raster graphics as png, do so, because this format is more recent and isn't protected by any patents.

I don't know, what kind of plotting program you are using, but try to find an option, that allows export to a vector format, such as pdf, ps or eps. Your images will be much smaller and invariant under scaling.