[Tex/LaTex] Abbreviations list by using \DeclareAcronym : delete \ac{cip}


I have one problem related to Abbreviation list:

First I define the abbreviations: such as

short = CIP ,
long = Common Industry Protocol,
class = abbrev

short = GPRS ,
long = General Packet Radio Services,
class = abbrev


\ac{cip} \ac{gprs}


The result is like this:

Common Industry Protocol(CIP),General Packet Radio Services(GPRS)

Then Abbreviation list..

My question is how can the system does not show the Bold part, only showing the abbreviation list.
Because when I delete \ac{cip} \ac{gprs} The list is empty, so nothing shows up…Can anyone help me with this

Best Answer

May I guess: you're using the acro package? Then you probably want \acuse{cip,gprs} or \acuseall. \acuse marks the acronyms listed in its argument as used without printing them. \acuseall marks all defined acronyms as used. Acronyms need to be marked as used in order to be listed in the list of acronyms.

short = CIP ,
long = Common Industry Protocol,
class = abbrev

short = GPRS ,
long = General Packet Radio Services,
class = abbrev
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