[Tex/LaTex] AASTex package: how to unnumber equations


I'm using the AASTex package and I've been wondering how to unnumber equations (I hate numbers in equations that you don't even cite later!). So far I've tried the usual:

  • Tried to put the \nonumber line after the equation (inside the \begin{equation} and \end{equation}, of course), but it doesn't work.
  • Tried to do \begin{equation*} and \end{equation*}, but the package didn't recognize the command. I tried adding the \usepackage{amsmath} package, but this causes various features of the AASTex package to fail.

Here's a working example of my LaTeX code:


\slugcomment{This is a slug comment.}

\shorttitle{A Short title!}

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,citecolor=blue,pdftitle={PDF title},pdfauthor={Nestor}}

\title{This is a glorious title that appears up.}

\affil{My department, my university}
\altaffiltext{1}{My affiliation.}
Let's start with Einstein's equation:
E=mc^2. \nonumber
Easy, right?

Any ideas?

Best Answer

As you can read on page 5 of the given documentation you can use \nonumber only in the environment eqnarray (but eqnarray should no longer be used!). Add this to your MWE:

 E=mc^2.  \nonumber
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