[Tex/LaTex] A scheme in LaTeX


I have 5 statements and some of them are equivalent, for some of them implications hold only in one direction. I would like to draw the scheme of these relations in LaTeX. Fortunately, two pairs of these statements are equivalent, so the scheme will not be overloaded with arrows.

In fact, there will be a triangle with 3 nodes (1),(2),(3) with some arrows between them, and (4) will have just a connection with (2), (5) will have the only connection with (3).

How to draw it in LaTeX? Here is an example from Visio: however I need arrows to be without corners and like $\Rightarrow$ or $\Leftrightarrow$.

The scheme

Best Answer

This is the closest to $\Rightarrow$ I found. I was too lazy, so it's with absolute positioning ;)

EDIT: Should have read the question. Now with only one connection between 2/4 and 3/5

\node[draw,circle] (s1) at (0,0) {1};
\node[draw,circle] (s2) at (-1.6,-2) {2};
\node[draw,circle] (s3) at (1.6,-2) {3};
\node[draw,circle] (s4) at (-4,-3) {4};
\node[draw,circle] (s5) at (4,-3) {5};
    (s2) edge[->, double distance=1pt, >=latex', bend left=40] (s1)
    (s3) edge[->, double distance=1pt, >=latex', bend right=40] (s1)
    (s3) edge[->, double distance=1pt, >=latex', bend left=60] (s2)
    (s2) edge[<->, double distance=1pt, >=latex'] (s4)
    (s3) edge[<->, double distance=1pt, >=latex'] (s5);
\caption{Five strange statements.}
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