[Tex/LaTex] A “big tau” used in an Italian university book


Into an Italian university book which translates an English version of Modern Quantum Mechanics J.J. Sakurai, I have finded a strange symbol that never I have seen here into this Community and other books for the use of the LaTeX.

It seem a big tau, for my humble opinion. In fact the theme is an infinitesimal translation or spatial displacement.

enter image description here

Is it possible to reproduce a similar symbol without a conflict with the packages that I'm using?

For example using a typical structure of this kind:


Your ideas are very welcome.

Best Answer

At the OP's request, I am turning my comment into an answer.

I had suggested using the \scalerel* macro to scale the existing lowercase \tau to the size of a capital letter. This approach will work across math styles, as shown in the MWE.

$\Tau (dx') = \ldots$\par
$\scriptstyle\Tau (dx') = \ldots$

enter image description here

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