[Tex/LaTex] 2 lines for the author block


I have a paper template that require that the authors should be written in the format:

Inst-111    Inst-222
Inst-333    Inst-444
email-1     e-mail-2

I have written it as follows:


  LastName1,\\ FirstName1\\
  LastName2,\\ FirstName2\\
  LastName2,\\ FirstName2\\
  LastName2,\\ FirstName2\\
  LastName2,\\ FirstName2\\
  LastName2,\\ FirstName2\\
\title{Usage of the \texttt{\textbackslash author} command}


Coling template at: http://coling2016.anlp.jp/doc/coling2016.zip

However, because I have to add 5 authors I receive an overflow and it does not change line. I am not using the IEEEtrans template.

I would like to have 3 authors on the first row and 2 authors centered at the second row.

Best Answer

In coling2016.sty, there are three different and-commands: \and separates the name of authors with the same affiliation, \And separates authors with different affiliations on the same line, and \AND separates different lines of authors. See the comments at the beginning of coling2016.sty for more (?) information. Here is your example.

  First Last 1\\
  Affiliation 1\\
  First Last 2\\
  Affiliation 2\\
  First Last 3\\
  Affiliation 3\\
  First Last 4\\
  Affiliation 4\\
  First Last 5\\
  Affiliation 5\\
  First Last 6\\
  Affiliation 6\\
\title{Usage of the \texttt{\textbackslash author} command}


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