[Tex/LaTex] 12 columns Table exceeds page width


enter image description hereMy table exceeds the page length. Any help would be highly appreciated.


    \multicolumn{12}{l}{\hspace{8cm}\textbf{Panel B: Return and Profitability Descriptive Statistics}}\\

    &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Non\_Dur}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{ Durable}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Manufacturing}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Oil \& Gas }&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Chemicals}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Bus Eqp}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Phone \& TV}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Utilities}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Whole\_Ret}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Healthcare}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Finance}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Other}\\

ROE         &       0.077&       0.057&       0.034&       0.031&       0.026&      -0.069&      -0.927&       1.096&       0.094&      -0.281&       0.450&       0.001 \\
            &       0.119&      -0.111&       0.126&      -0.755&       0.117&      -0.050&       0.102&       0.116&       0.059&       0.067&       0.100&      -0.000 \\
            &      -1.067&       6.948&      -2.569&       7.551&      -1.519&      -0.240&      -0.930&       3.766&       0.998&      -8.318&       4.282&       0.053 \\
CF          &       0.061&       0.051&       0.060&       0.059&       0.044&       0.009&       0.029&       0.029&       0.062&      -0.140&       0.003&       0.038 \\
            &       0.062&       0.069&       0.058&       0.076&       0.058&       0.042&       0.054&       0.037&       0.052&      -0.035&       0.021&       0.002 \\
            &      -1.044&      -7.180&       2.385&      -6.253&      -6.694&     -23.859&      -8.631&      -6.328&      11.392&     -37.083&      -6.982&       7.542 \\
EBIT\_MAR     &       0.043&      -0.016&      -0.066&      -0.639&      -0.443&      -1.742&      -1.598&       0.017&      -0.012&     -17.730&       0.018&      -1.102 \\
            &       0.075&       0.050&      -0.050&      -5.519&       0.034&      -0.254&      -0.163&       0.185&       0.020&      -8.070&       0.095&      -0.137 \\
            &      -2.244&      -6.142&      -0.519&      10.781&      -4.773&      -5.256&      -1.514&     -11.954&      -2.024&      -5.218&      -0.509&      -8.969 \\
GM          &       0.340&       0.262&       0.217&       0.152&       0.146&      -0.847&      -0.696&       0.221&       0.277&     -14.841&       0.350&      -0.587 \\
            &       0.323&       0.285&       0.176&       0.042&       0.361&       0.285&       0.234&       0.279&       0.237&      -7.230&       0.276&       0.165 \\
            &       2.168&      -2.748&       1.644&       0.820&      -5.184&      -4.208&      -1.029&      -9.724&       5.978&      -4.262&       0.583&      -7.792 \\
TAX         &       0.339&       0.309&       0.221&       0.264&       0.278&       0.141&       0.263&       0.392&       0.564&       0.249&       0.246&       0.138 \\
            &       0.300&       0.131&       0.369&       0.276&       0.344&       0.162&       0.018&       0.329&       0.306&       0.207&       0.204&       0.216 \\
            &       1.820&       5.471&      -3.440&      -0.289&      -3.618&      -1.018&       3.346&       2.985&       1.382&       0.862&       0.986&      -1.205 \\
RET12\_L    &       1.211&       1.223&       1.212&       1.240&       1.215&       1.320&       1.261&       1.166&       1.239&       1.322&       1.144&       1.232 \\
            &       1.217&       1.241&       1.208&       1.257&       1.176&       1.312&       1.293&       1.151&       1.229&       1.318&       1.212&       1.208 \\
            &      -1.006&      -2.006&       1.176&      -2.261&       5.777&       1.258&      -2.815&       6.934&       1.854&       0.631&     -23.983&       6.033 \\

Best Answer

You have several options:

  • Redesign your table. Split the columns to multiple tables, if that is an option.

If that's not possible, you can change the appearance of the table:

  • Decrease the font size (e.g. using \small inside \begin{tabular}). In general, this is a bad idea as it will make reading the text harder. Not only because reading text at smaller sizes is more difficult, bot also because your eyes can get lost between all the columns and rows. (Although your caption might say "zoom in for more details" :) - but this is really bad style and not appropriate for printing).

  • Put your table at a separate landscape page.

  • Rotate the heading text. This is in particular useful if your headings are longer than the actual cell context.

  • Convey less information, e.g. reduce the number of significant digits.

With a combination of these, you should be able to produce a good-looking table. In particular, remember the first hint: Redesign your table if possible.