Subsection name in the header appearing from last section


I am using article class with twoside option to prepare a document. In the headers, I want the left page headers to contain the section, whereas the right page headers to contain the subsection. I am using the following code:

    \section{Section 1}
    \subsection{Subsection 1.1}
    \section{Section 2}

This works well, until a section appears with no subsections. In that case, the right headers are continuing with the last subsection of the last section. I want those right page headers to go blank. How do I achieve this?

Best Answer

I think the next code solves your problem in every case:

\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection 1.1}
\section{Section 2}
\subsection{Subsection 2.1}