Subfloat caption adjustment does not work


I want to remove the extra margin in front of the second subcaption (the yellow part).
How can I achieve this?

enter image description here

My current code is as follows.


\captionsetup{font=small, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false, tableposition=bottom, justification=justified}

% test 
\captionsetup[subfloat]{farskip=1pt, captionskip=0pt} %<--I thought it does the job...
\subfloat[First figure]
    \includegraphics[clip,width=0.85\columnwidth]{myfig1.png} }
\subfloat[Second figure]
    \includegraphics[clip,width=0.85\columnwidth]{myfig2.png} }
\mycaption{Test}{Explanation blah blah...}



It might be figure specific issue, so I am attaching two images here for your advice.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

The second figure has some blank space underneath.

Use trim={<left> <lower> <right> <upper>}



\captionsetup{font=small, labelfont=bf, singlelinecheck=false, tableposition=bottom, justification=justified}
    % test 
        \captionsetup[subfloat]{farskip=1pt, captionskip=0pt} %<--I thought it does the job...
        \subfloat[First figure]
            \includegraphics[clip,width=0.85\columnwidth]{myfig1.png} } 
        \subfloat[Second figure]
            \includegraphics[trim={ 0pt 25pt 0pt 0pt}, clip,width=0.85\columnwidth]{myfig2.png} }% changed <<<<<<
        \mycaption{Test}{Explanation blah blah...}

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