listings,autoref – Resolving Strange Autoref Countering in lstlisting


I made a new listtype called mycodes and want to autoref to them. The problem is, when using autoref to a lstlisting-block the number of the listing is wrong!

The code



\par\noindent Code \thesection.\themycodes: #2\\



\section{Kapitel 1}
\subsection{Unterkapitel 1.1}
    void Function()
\mycodes{Example of Code 1}

    void Function()
\mycodes{Example of Code 2}

    void Function()
\mycodes{Example of Code 3}



The Output

![LaTeX Output

Expected Output

I would like to get the real number of the codeblock as also shown in the subcaption of the lstlistings. So something like:

Codeexample 1.1
Codeexample 1.2
Codeexample 1.3

How to do so?

Best Answer

Use caption and set the position to bottom:






\section{Kapitel 1}
\subsection{Unterkapitel 1.1}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Example of Code 1,label=cod:Fun1_1]
    void Function()

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Example of Code 2,label=cod:Fun1_2]
    void Function()

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Example of Code 3,label=cod:Fun1_3]
    void Function()



enter image description here

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