Splitting a tcolorbox into two columns

boxeshorizontal alignmenttcolorbox

I'd like to split a tcolorbox environment into two columns like this:

| Definition.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.    |
|               Praesent ac sem commodo, venenatis nisl ac, pharetra arcu.  |   <-- tcolorbox
|               Cras accumsan pharetra facilisis. Vivamus mattis vulputate  |
|               dui, quis vulputate metus pretium a.                        |

I first tried putting a two-column table into the tcolorbox, but this did not even compile (LaTeX error: floats lost). I then tried putting two minipages (one for Definition., the rest for the text) inside the tcolorbox to split it in half, but alignment is corrupted in such a way that I don't really even know how to describe the problem:


\usepackage{tcolorbox, xcolor, lmodern}

\definecolor{jblueleft}{RGB}{0, 79, 144}
\definecolor{jblueinner}{RGB}{240, 248, 255}

    borderline west={3pt}{0pt}{jblueleft},
    colback=jblueinner} % Define the box style.

\definition{For a particle traversing a 2-dimensional path \(c\) in a force field \(\bmv F(x,y)=f(x,y)\ui+g(x,y)\uj\), the work integral is 
        W&=\int_c \bmv F\cdot\,\mathrm d\bmv r\\
        &=\int_c f(x,y)\,\mathrm dx+\int_c g(x,y)\,\mathrm dy

The following gives this erroneous output:

erroneous latex output

Best Answer

Another approach using tcolorbox options sidebyside:

\usepackage{tcolorbox, xcolor, lmodern}


\definecolor{jblueleft}{RGB}{0, 79, 144}
\definecolor{jblueinner}{RGB}{240, 248, 255}

% my guess to missing definitions

    sharp corners,
% end of my guess


  borderline west={3pt}{0pt}{jblueleft},
  before upper=\usebox\exampleTitle,
  lower separated=false,
  sidebyside align=top,
  sidebyside gap=5pt,
  lefthand width=\the\wd\exampleTitle,
} % Define the box style.

\definition{For a particle traversing a 2-dimensional path \(c\) in a force field \(\bmv F(x,y)=f(x,y)\ui+g(x,y)\uj\), the work integral is
        W&=\int_c \bmv F\cdot\,\mathrm d\bmv r\\
        &=\int_c f(x,y)\,\mathrm dx+\int_c g(x,y)\,\mathrm dy

enter image description here

OP's example is incomplete: none of the definitions of commands \bmv, \ui, and \uj and tcolorbox style key textmaker are provided. I used my guess instead.

Hmm, \@hangfrom, which comes from LaTeX2e kernel, will make the example shorter. Output is the same as above.

\usepackage{tcolorbox, xcolor, lmodern}


\definecolor{jblueleft}{RGB}{0, 79, 144}
\definecolor{jblueinner}{RGB}{240, 248, 255}

% my guess to missing definitions

    sharp corners,
% end of my guess

  borderline west={3pt}{0pt}{jblueleft},
  before upper=\@hangfrom{%
    \textcolor{jblueleft}{Definiton. }% note the space after "."
} % Define the box style.


\definition{For a particle traversing a 2-dimensional path \(c\) in a force field \(\bmv F(x,y)=f(x,y)\ui+g(x,y)\uj\), the work integral is
        W&=\int_c \bmv F\cdot\,\mathrm d\bmv r\\
        &=\int_c f(x,y)\,\mathrm dx+\int_c g(x,y)\,\mathrm dy
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