Unicode – Fixing Specific Unicode Symbols Not Appearing


Any suggestions why some Unicode symbols appear and not others? Specifically, I want to use the ue ligature (https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1d6b/index.htm), but this does not appear but other Unicode symbols such as em dash and capital gamma work fine. The ue ligature has a utf-8 encoding so I guess that means it isn’t a new Unicode addition. I have tried both using LuaLaTex and XeLaTex. Below is a snippet.

%em dash works
%capital gammas both work
\symbol{"0393} % hex
\symbol{915}   % dec
%ue ligature does not work
\symbol{"1D6B} % hex
\symbol{7531}   % dec


Best Answer

You did not provide an example but



%em dash works

%capital gammas both work
\symbol{"0393} % hex
\symbol{915}   % dec

%ue ligature does not work
\symbol{"1D6B} % hex
\symbol{7531}   % dec

Produces the warning

Missing character: There is no ᵫ (U+1D6B) in font [lmroman10-regular]:+tlig;!
Missing character: There is no ᵫ (U+1D6B) in font [lmroman10-regular]:+tlig;!

As the Latin Modern Font doesn't have that character

Use a bigger font, say Noto Sans and you get no warning


\setmainfont{Noto Sans}


%em dash works

%capital gammas both work
\symbol{"0393} % hex
\symbol{915}   % dec

%ue ligature does not work
\symbol{"1D6B} % hex
\symbol{7531}   % dec

enter image description here