Space between Footnote marker and footnote text


For my dissertation I need to put a space between the footnote marker and text. I don't know if there is package that could make this easier, or maybe add a modification to the following code:

Edit: I cleaned up the MWE.


Below is the full MWE



\setmainfont{Times New Roman}



This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This is the footnote text. I would like a space between the footnote marker and the footnote text.}


Best Answer

Add some horizontal space after the marker:

\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\raggedright#1}% changed <<<<<<<<<<




\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\raggedright#1}% changed <<<<<<<<<<

This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This is the footnote text. I would like a space between the footnote marker and the footnote text.}

This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This another  footnote text. I would like a space between the  marker and the footnote text.}

For longer texts I propose to use

\noindent\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-0.7in}{\raggedright#1}}% changed <<<<<<<<<<


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