Sign for equivalence relation “on the same hyperbola”


I want a symbol for an equivalence relation meaning “on the same hyperbola $xy=c$”.

Is there a standard notation? If not, I'm thinking of something on the tune of

hyperbolic equivalence

Any idea of a similar sign, or how to build one, by stacking or otherwise, in a way compatible with arXiv, LNCS and AMS environments?

Best Answer

Your symbol is a bit complicated. Since I know of no standard symbol, I suggest this:

enter image description here

which is formed by overlaying two standard symbols (\asymp and -) and requires no additional packages. It looks (to me) like a hyperbolic version of \equiv ().






For general instructions on how to build your own symbols, I suggest this question and its answers.

Note: If you plan to use this symbol in \scriptstyle or \scriptscriptstyle you will need a more complicated version that will adapt to style changes:

enter image description here






If you really want the symbol you sketched, you'll probably have to design it yourself. I suggest tikz (for designing the symbol) and scalerel to make it the same size as a symbol of your choice (I picked +).

enter image description here



\newcommand{\samehyp}{\mathrel{\scalerel*{\tikz{\draw[line width=2pt](0,.3)--(1,.3)(0,.5)--(1,.5)(0,.7)--(1,.7)(.6,1)to[out=-90,in=180](1,.6)(.4,0)to[out=90,in=0](0,.4);}}{+}}}


