Restate theorem without final sentence


I am short on space for my paper, so I want to put some theorem proof in appendix, but I also want to put the sentence saying "Proof in appendix" on the same line as the theorem statement.



\begin{restatable}[Goldbach's conjecture]{thm}{goldbach}
Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes.
{\em (Proof in appendix)}



It is trivial.


What I get:


What I want:


What should I do?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

\IfRestatementTF{<true>}{<false>} will leave <true> when it's used in a restatement, and <false> otherwise. Be careful to only use it in thmtools-defined theorems, since its implementation is not so robust.


  \ifx\label\thmt@gobble@label % or just compared to \@gobble


\begin{restatable}[Goldbach's conjecture]{thm}{goldbach}
Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes.
\IfRestateTF{This is restatement.}{This is the original statement. \emph{(Proof in appendix)}}



It is trivial.


enter image description here

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