Remove locally overfull \hbox warning in beamer frametitle


I am preparing some slides for a lab meeting, and I am using mainly beamer/metropolis.
I need to add a logo at top right corner of the frametitle to fit my lab standards.
So I used the command \addtobeamertemplate{frametitle}.

But to fit with the corner I have to overfull margins. And since it is on every slide it yields a large number of warnings.
For example, here is a MWE:

\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, 10pt]{beamer}

        \frametitle{title of an empty frame}

which gives me the following warning:

Overfull \hbox (28.00511pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--12

I would like to suppress (or resolve) these warning and keeping the warning if I have other overfull occurring.
Of course, a good manner to handle this would be to reduce the hspace to \hspace*{+0.79\paperwidth} but the result is too far from what I need to obtained.

So it there a way to remove this warnings only locally (or solve them but I don't think so) ?

Best Answer

As far as I can tell you want to flush right but overlapping a fixed amount (25pt) past the allowed space. Using \fill rather than a fixed left margin allows it to easily adapt to different length texts.

enter image description here

\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, 10pt]{beamer}

        \frametitle{title of an empty frame}