Cross-Referencing – How to Reference Hardcoded Items in Enumerate Inside a Theorem Environment


I am trying to reference a hardcoded item in enumerate inside a theorem environment. Instead of getting (c1), I got the label of the theorem. Is there a quick fix?

\usepackage{amsmath, cleveref}


            \item[(c1)] a \label{c1}
            \item[(c2)] b
            \item[(k)]  c
            \item[(n1)] d
            \item[(n2)] e
    \ref{c1}, \cref{c1}

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can adapt the concept of an arbitrary label from How to implement cleveref's \cref@currentlabel correctly for custom cross-references to create "custom theorem-like references" for your theorem lists:

enter image description here








\crefname{theoremext}{theorem}{theorems}% Name of theorem extensions
\Crefname{theoremext}{Theorem}{Theorems}% Name of Theorem extensions


    \item[(c1)] a \arblabel{c1}{(c1)}% Theorem (c1) (label is c1)
    \item[(c2)] b
    \item[(k)]  c
    \item[(n1)] d
    \item[(n2)] e

\cref{c1}, \Cref{c1}
