Ref references the correct number, but nameref uses the wrong name


This is my first question, so I'm sorry if there are detiails missing or my question could be written more clearly. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I want to use hyperref to reference the name of one of my Appendices such that I can write:

...detailed information is found in \nameref{App:B}

And have the result be

...detailed information is found in Appendix B - Matlab Code

The thing is, my appendices are unnumbered so I have used \refstepcounter to increment the chapter counter manually. Now, when I use \ref to reference the appendix the outputted number is correct but when using \nameref, the compiled name is the last numbered chapter.

I have narrowed down the issue to have something to do with \refstepcounter redefining \ @currentlabel but even so I really struggle with understanding the exact details of what \refstepcounter has done to my \label and how to fix it.

My current code says something in the lines of



\chapter{Some numbered chapter}

\chapter*{Appendix B - Matlab Code}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix B - Matlab Code}

Best Answer

Your main problem is, that you try to fake numbered chapters with commands for not numbered chapters. Instead you should use \chapter{…} and configure the output to what you want. For example:


  % Code from
  \renewcommand*{\tocchapapp}{\chapapp\ }%
  \addtocontents{\csname ext@toc\endcsname}{%
  % Additionally add the prefix to the format of the headings:
  \renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{\appendixname\ \thechapter\ --\ }%
  % and the format of the running heads:
  \renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{\appendixname\ \thechapter\ --\ }%
% Again Code from
  \IfArgIsEmpty{#1}{% keine Nummer:
    \addtocentrydefault{chapter}{#1}{#2}% wie bisher
  }{% mit Nummer:



\chapter{Some numbered chapter}
See \autoref{App:B}: \nameref{App:B}

\chapter{Matlab Code}

table of contents, one chapter and one appendix chapter