Put text or boxes of text above the back address in scrlttr2


I want to put 5 boxes of text above the back address line. For that matter I set firsthead to false. The text size can be the same size as the back address text size. The maximal length of each box will be 25 characters. In the picture I marked the text with red for better explanation. And if it is not too difficult how is it possible to put the page number at that weird location.

Edit: After some searching I found textpos and came up with the following solution. The boxes overlap each other and I get warnings because I use tabulars. But I have no other solution how to allign the damn numbers without using them. Also I have to find another place for the last box, since it does not fit.

Here is my code so far:

\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, version=last, fromalign=left, backaddress=true, foldmarks=on, fromphone=off, fromemail=on, parskip=half, firsthead=false]{scrlttr2} 
\usepackage[absolute,overlay, quiet]{textpos}         

\renewcommand*{\raggedsignature}{\raggedright}  % Signatur wird bündig gesetzt

% Absender
\newcommand{\mVorname}{ tlexxier kinorelekt GmbH} 
\newcommand{\mNachname}{\& Co. KG} 
\newcommand{\mStrasse}{Somestr. 1} 

\setkomavar{fromname}{\mVorname{}~\mNachname{}}               % Name 
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{\mStrasse{}\\{}\mPLZ{}~\mStadt{}}    % Adresse


Max Musterkunde \\
Teststraße 2    \\
55555 Teststadt \\
Schweiz         \\ 
Muxiline Wirrewar Institute \\
Sagblobbberavenue 8323  \\
23423 Blablubbing       \\
test test test

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[anchor=north east,yshift=-20.0pt,xshift=-10]%
        at (current page.north east)
        {\includegraphics[height=18mm, width=95mm]{example-image-b}};
    \node [anchor=north west,yshift=-20.0pt,xshift=47]%
        at (current page.north west)
        {\includegraphics[height=15mm, width=35mm]{example-image-a}};

    \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(1.7cm,2.8cm) % {block width} (coords) 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{firstcontact:} \\
              Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
              Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\

    \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(6cm,2.8cm) % {block width} (coords) 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{secondcontact:} \\
              Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
              Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\

    \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(10.3cm,2.8cm) % {block width} (coords) 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{thirdcontact:} \\
              Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
              Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\

    \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(14.6cm,2.8cm) % {block width} (coords) 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{lactcontact:} \\
              Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
              Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\


enter image description here

Best Answer

You could use firsthead and adjust firstheadvpos:


        \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{firstcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{secondcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{thirdcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{lastcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        someother \\



  firsthead=true% <- changed

\usepackage{tikz}% loads graphicx, xcolor etc.

%\LoadLetterOption{visualize}% loads visualize.lco to visualize boxes
%\showfields{address}% show the address box

\renewcommand*{\raggedsignature}{\raggedright}  % Signatur wird bündig gesetzt


\newcommand{\mVorname}{ tlexxier kinorelekt GmbH} 
\newcommand{\mNachname}{\& Co. KG} 
\newcommand{\mStrasse}{Somestr. 1} 


\setplength{firstheadvpos}{30mm}% <- added

        \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{firstcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{secondcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{thirdcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        \multicolumn{2}{l}{lastcontact:} \\
        Tel.   & +41 (0)1111 333-444  \\
        Fax    & +41 (0)2222 666-555  \\
        someother \\



  Max Musterkunde\\
  Teststraße 2\\
  55555 Teststadt\\

  Muxiline Wirrewar Institute \\
  Sagblobbberavenue 8323\\
  23423 Blablubbing\\

test test test

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[anchor=north east,yshift=-20.0pt,xshift=-10]%
      at (current page.north east)
      {\includegraphics[height=18mm, width=95mm]{example-image-b}};
    \node [anchor=north west,yshift=-20.0pt,xshift=47]%
      at (current page.north west)
      {\includegraphics[height=15mm, width=35mm]{example-image-a}};

enter image description here