Preventing a line break at the end of a sentence

hyphenationline-breakingwhite space

If I want to prevent a line break between two words, then I insert a ~ like this:


But what if I want to prevent a line break between the end of a sentence and the first word of the new sentence. If I do it like this

Lorem ipsum.~Dolor sit amet.

then the spacing is not correct after the full stop. I can think of

Lorem \mbox{ipsum. Dolor} sit amet.

but this would prevent Dolor from breaking into two lines if necessary. What other options do I have?

Best Answer

You can use \nolinebreak to add a penalty to prevent breaking at that point.

enter image description here



\setlength\xspaceskip{25pt}% for effect

1 Lorem ipsum.~Dolor sit amet.

2 Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.

3 Lorem ipsum.\nolinebreak\space Dolor sit amet.

1 Lorem ipsum.~Dolor sit amet.

2 Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.

3 Lorem ipsum.\nolinebreak\space Dolor sit amet.
