Position two tcolorboxes next to each other on the same line and adjust the distance between them?


I have the following situation, where I have produced two boxes with text inside using the package tcolorbox:



\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=black!8!white,colframe=black, width=3cm]
\centering Males
\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=black!8!white,colframe=black, width=3cm]
\centering Females


However, with this code both boxes appear in different lines, and I would like to have them on the same line and to be able to adjust the distance between them using \hspace*{}.

How can this be done, preferably in a simple way?

Edit: the answers I received here are way more helpful, short and elegant than those provided in the related question that caused the close votes. For this reason, I don't believe the question should be closed.

Best Answer

You can use the before and after options:





enter image description here

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