Placing image next to multiple line text in header


I am trying to recreate the following header created in Word using LaTeX

desired output

I have attempted to do so by using the fancyhdr package and creating a table as follows

\fancyhf{} % sets both header and footer to nothing
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\multirow{3}{*}{\includegraphics[scale=1]{template/header_left}} & {\huge Big text} \\
& Small text \\

However, the result looks like this:

Latex output

these are the two images used to construct the header:

Image 1: horizontak

Image 2:


Best Answer

The makecell package often comes handy for these kinds of constructs.

\fancyhf{} % sets both header and footer to nothing
  \makecell[cl]{{\huge Big text} \\[2pt] ~Small text} \\[-9pt]


enter image description here

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