Placing a Figure at the Bottom of Each Column in a Two Column Document


I want to place two figures at the bottom of each column in a two column document. If I use [b], then it just goes to the "right" column. I could only find ways to place a figure at the bottom overlapping both columns. Thank you.

I am writing in a two column document. If I try


then the figure goes to the right column. I want to place the figure at the bottom of, e.g., the left column.

(Edit) Here is an example.

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 10pt, twocolumn]{article}

Hello, world!




This gives:
enter image description here

I want to place two figures, one at the red box 1 (at the bottom of the left column) and the other at the red box 2 (at the bottom of the right column). Thanks!

(Edit) Oh, I think I found a way. I just wrote \newpage between two figures, and it worked.

Best Answer

Try the following:

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 10pt, twocolumn]{article}

Hello, world!



Images are in minipages inserted in float figure*. By help of the package ˛stfloats can be forced to bottom of the same page where is inserted in text. Of course, if there is sufficient space for it. If not, it will be moved to bottom of the next page.

enter image description here