Figure Placement – How to Place a Figure at the End of Each Chapter Only if There’s Room in LaTeX






\chapter*{CHAPTER 1.}

\chapter*{CHAPTER 2.}

which produces:

enter image description here

which is fine. But, also—

enter image description here

(which is not fine)

QUESTION: How may I place a figure (such as the asterism shown) at the bottom of the last page of each chapter (only if there's room)? So, in the case of the MWE, I would only want to display the figure (asterism) at the end of the first chapter only.

Thank you.

Best Answer

You could probably use hooks instead of \chapterend.



  \setlength{\freespace}{\dimexpr \pagegoal-\pagetotal}%
  \ifdim\freespace > \dimexpr\ht\asterism+\textfloatsep\relax

\chapter*{CHAPTER 1.}
\footnote{This is a test}

\chapter*{CHAPTER 2.}
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