Phantom section and bookmarks


    \newcommand{\declarenewentry}[1]{\medskip\noindent\framebox[\textwidth][l]{\qquad Day \theentry : #1}\medskip}

    \newcommand{\newentry}[1]{\addtocounter{entry}{1}\addtocounter{chapter}{1}\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\theentry \qquad #1}}\declarenewentry{#1}}



\usepackage{bookmark, hyperref}

\newcommand{\declarenewentry}[1]{\medskip\noindent\framebox[\textwidth][l]{\qquad Day \theentry : #1}\medskip}

\newcommand{\newentry}[1]{\addtocounter{entry}{1}\addtocounter{chapter}{1}\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\theentry \qquad #1}}\declarenewentry{#1}}

        \newentry{August 10, 2021}

            Sample Text

        \newentry{August 11, 2021}


Now, the problem is that these commands generate a bookmark, but they have no displayed names. I think this is because of \phantomsection. I could probably achieve a better effect by using the sectsty package, but is there a way to name the bookmark?

Edit: Output

enter image description here

As observed, there exists a bookmark with no name. Same goes below the section, as there is a second entry, though it is unnoticeable.

Best Answer

My impression is that instead of \newentry you want to use \chapter.




  \framebox[\textwidth][l]{\qquad Day \thechapter: #1}%



\chapter{August 10, 2021}

Sample Text


\chapter{August 11, 2021}


enter image description here

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