Pgfgantt: How to add dates to the ends of the bar


The problem

I am making a Gantt chart using the pgffgantt package.
I would like the dates of the tasks to be displayed above the bars (in orange in the image below)

My goal

I tried to do things without success based on different questions (1, 2),the date was not in the right place, if two bars were on the same line, it would overlap …

Would anyone know how to do this, or just point me in the right direction?

Minimum working example

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[babel=true, kerning=true]{microtype} % Required by the package pgfgantt

            expand chart=\linewidth,
            time slot format=little-endian,  % Format of the date dd-mm-yyyy
            vgrid={*6{draw=none}, *1{dotted}},  % Draw a line 1 out of 7 times, which is the same as framing the weeks
        \ganttset{calendar week text=\currentweek} % Overload the week text, display the week number (1, 2,, ...) instead of "Week <number>"
        \gantttitlecalendar{month=name, week}\\

        % Group 1
            bar/.append style={fill=lightblue},
            group/.append style={fill=darkblue},
        \ganttgroup{Group 1}{14-02-2022}{25-06-2022}\\
        \ganttbar{Task 1}{14-04-2022}{28-05-2022}\\
        \ganttbar{Task 2}{18-02-2022}{18-04-2022} \ganttbar{Task 2 bis}{18-05-2022}{18-06-2022} \\
        % \ganttbar{Task 3}{14-02-2022}{28-03-2022}\\


Best Answer

Following code creates two commands \myganttgroup and \myganttbar which add labels two original bars or grups.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[babel=true, kerning=true]{microtype} % Required by the package pgfgantt

    date/.style={text=yellow!80!black, font=\small, anchor=south}
\ganttgroup[#1, name=#2]{#2}{#3}{#4}
\node[date] at (#2.north west) {#3};
\node[date] at (#2.north east) {#4};

\ganttbar[#1, name=#2]{#2}{#3}{#4}
\node[date] at (#2.north west) {#3};
\node[date] at (#2.north east) {#4};

            expand chart=\linewidth,
            time slot format=little-endian,  % Format of the date dd-mm-yyyy
            vgrid={*6{draw=none}, *1{dotted}},  % Draw a line 1 out of 7 times, which is the same as framing the weeks
        \ganttset{calendar week text=\currentweek} % Overload the week text, display the week number (1, 2,, ...) instead of "Week <number>"
        \gantttitlecalendar{month=name, week}\\

        % Group 1
            bar/.append style={fill=LightBlue},
            group/.append style={fill=DarkBlue},
%        \ganttgroup{Group 1}{14-02-2022}{25-06-2022}\\
        \myganttgroup{Group 1}{14-02-2022}{25-06-2022}\\
        \myganttbar{Task 1}{14-04-2022}{28-05-2022}\\
        \myganttbar{Task 2}{18-02-2022}{18-04-2022} \myganttbar{Task 2 bis}{18-05-2022}{18-06-2022} \\
        % \ganttbar{Task 3}{14-02-2022}{28-03-2022}\\
%        \node[left] at (task1.north west) {A};
%        \node[right] at (task1.north east) {B};


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