Beamer Table of Contents – Fix \par Within \addcontentsline Breaking List of Frames

beamerline-breakingtable of contents

This answer provides the indispensable feature to add a list of frames to a beamer presentation.

It containts the the line


Recently it stopped working with two issues:

  • if \par is included, there is a compilation error

    Paragraph ended before \addcontentsline was complete. \end{frame}
    Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \end{frame}

  • The frame number is also included at the end of line, or actually at the beginning of the next line

I thought to substitute \par with \newline with seems to be a workaround for the first issue, but the second issue persists, leading to this unexpected output:

enter image description here

What changed? What broke?

Thank you very much in advance!

Original MWE





\frametitle{List of Frames}

\frametitle{Test Frame One}

Best Answer

You could use \endgraf instead of \par to avoid the error. But imho it is odd to add it to the \addcontentsline, I would use a special <type> and define a suitable \l@<type> command, which then can also suppress the "page number":




\frametitle{List of Frames}

\frametitle{Test Frame One}
\frametitle{Test Frame two}

enter image description here