Minted – Package Minted Error: Missing Style Definition for with FrozenCache for arXiv Submission


I am following this answer to submit a latex file with minted code highlighting to arxiv.
I first compile locally with:


Then I change the tex file to:


When submitting to arxiv in addition to submitting the minted-cache folder.
I then get during compilation on the arxiv servers:

! Package minted Error: Missing style definition for with frozencache.

See the minted package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.

l.583 \end{minted}

Any lead on what I could try to fix it ?

Best Answer

I was able to get around this by copying minted.sty and minted1.sty from my local TeXLive distribution into the paper directory. I think the issue is that arXiv is using an older minted version than the one I built my cache with.

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