Graphics – Stacking Asterisks to Form Chapter Dividers with Stackengine for Elegant Layouts


This question is an extension of the earlier post Best Way to Produce This Chapter Divider Image

Consider the code:

\begin{document} \vspace*{35pt}


which produces the stack:

enter image description here

Now, suppose that I would like to add a single asterisk directly underneath the row containing three asterisks.

According to the documentation for stackon and stackunder,

enter image description here

And so, I figured that I could treat the asterisk that I want to add as the anchor, upon which the other two rows of asterisks would rest atop, as such:


but alas,

when I run this, I get

enter image description here

My interpretation of the documentation is obviously incorrect.

QUESTION: Could someone point out the error of my reasoning and indicate how I may produce (i) a three-tiered asterisk stack with the top row containing one asterisk, the row beneath it—three asterisks, and the row beneath it—one asterisk; and, (2) From there, how I may add another tier on the bottom containing a single asterisk, thereby producing a four-tiered image of a cross. (From there, I probably will be able to generalize the process.)

Thank you.

Best Answer

There are various syntaxes that can be employed. Here, I focus on the stacks themselves, omitting code dealing with above/below space and centering.

In the first incarnation, I use a \Shortstack, in which successive rows (in this case 3) are specified. In the second example, I use a \stackunder{\stackon{base}{top}}{bottom} approach.

\begin{document} \vspace*{35pt}

{\bfseries\setstackgap{S}{.15pt}\scalebox{1.5}{\Shortstack{* {* * *} *}}

{\bfseries\scalebox{1.5}{\stackunder[.15pt]{\stackon[.15pt]{* * *}{*}}{*}}}

enter image description here

For the 4-row version, something like the \Shortstack approach most likely works best:

\begin{document} \vspace*{35pt}

{\bfseries\setstackgap{S}{.15pt}\scalebox{1.5}{\Shortstack{* {* * *} * *}}

enter image description here

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