Need help with referencing using Biblatex APA style


So I have been struggling with Biblatex for a few days. I seem to get the hang of it for the most part but I'm still confused and stuck concerning a few details.

this is my header:

\usepackage[sorting=none]{biblatex} %Imports biblatex package not APA style
%\usepackage[sorting=none,style=apa]{biblatex} %APA style
\bibliography{sample} %Import the bibliography file

These are the first three references of my sample.bib:

  author = {Ad Hoc},
  title = {Chocoladefabriken Lindt \& Sprüngli AG : Half Year            Results},
  year = {2021},
  %howpublished = "Available on \url{,}",
  url ={},
  note = {[Last visited: 17-12-2021]},

  author = {Europages},
  title = {SOPP INDUSTRIE GMBH - pack with love},
  year = {2021},
  note = {[Last visited: 18-12-2021]},
  % howpublished = "Available on \url{}",
   url ={}

  author = {ST Integration \& Robotics},
  title = {Official company's Website},
  year = {2015},
  note = {[Last visited: 18-12-2021]},
  %howpublished = "Available on \url{}",
   url ={}

I was using the first line in the header and I thought howpublished looked better for me and that's why I added it.

This is how It looks with the first line. AKA:



Clearly the order of things is messed up as I wanted the APA style:Author, year, title, publication or link.

This is how it looks when I use the second line of the header and comment the first. Meaning:

%\usepackage[sorting=none]{biblatex} %Imports biblatex package not APA style
\usepackage[sorting=none,style=apa]{biblatex} %APA style
\bibliography{sample} %Import the bibliography file


It is the style I want but there are A few things that are just messed up:

  1. Needed [last Visited on] to be the last thing in each line but couldn't
  2. Author names are messed up. for example "ST Integration & Robotics" became what is shown in the picture. same with "Ad Hoc"
  3. References in the whole document are no longer mentioned as 1,2… and are now the year of that citation ( 2015,2021 …) and are no longer shown in the bibliography page as the previous one before each citation.

I am trying to fix these errors and get it to work, but my knowledge is fairly small and I really could apreciate a nudge to the right direction.

Thank you very much

Best Answer

As others have already commented out, the style you are forced to employ has absolutely nothing to do with APA style.

If you have the chance to employ natbib/bibtex instead of biblatex/biber, I'd recommend that you do so, mainly because the unsrtnat bib style basically does all you need and want, including placing the contents of the note field ("[Last visited on ...]") at the very end.

enter image description here

  author = {{Ad Hoc}},
  title = {{Chocoladefabriken Lindt \& Sprüngli AG}: Half Year Results},
  year = {2021},
  url ={},
  note = {[Last visited: 17-12-2021]},
  author = {Europages},
  title = {{SOPP INDUSTRIE GMBH} --- pack with love},
  year = {2021},
  note = {[Last visited: 18-12-2021]},
   url ={}
  author = {{ST Integration \& Robotics}},
  title = {Official company's Website},
  year = {2015},
  note = {[Last visited: 18-12-2021]},
   url ={}

%\addbibresource{sample.bib} % <-- use \addbibresource, not \bibliography

\usepackage{xurl} % allow arbitrary line breaks in URL strings

