tables – Using Multirow Inside a Tabular Column Declaration in LaTeX


Is it possible to use \multirow command inside the column declaration of the tabular environment (provided by array package)?

I want to obtain the following result:

desired result

Which I can achieve by doing that:


        >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3cm}% 1st column
        m{2.5cm}% 2nd column
    text & \multirow{2}{=}[-2.5pt]{\centering$a+b$} \\
    text &  \\
    text & \multirow{2}{=}[-2.5pt]{\centering$x+y$} \\
    text &  \\


However, I tried to clean things up a bit:


        >{\multirow{2}{=}[-2.5pt]{\centering\arraybackslash\(}m{2.5cm}<{\)\}}% <--- added '\multirow' here
    text & a+b \\      % <--- Removed '\multirow' from here
    text &  \\
    text & x+y \\      % <--- Removed '\multirow' from here
    text &  \\


This second approach obviously won't work, since neither <{\)\}} nor <{\)}} works.

I guess \} should print the brace, while } just closes everything as <{\)} and leaves another } remaining.

So, is it possible to close this brace somehow? That is, to make >{\multirow{2}{=}[-2.5pt]{\centering\arraybackslash\(}m{2.5cm}<{\)}} works.


I'm aware of the possibility of declaring a command such as


to use like \MR{a+b}.

Best Answer

Life is easier if you use my new LaTeX3 package tabularray to make multirow or multicolumn cells:


  colspec = {Q[c,m,3cm]m{2.5cm}}, 
  cell{odd}{2} = {r=2}{c}, % multirow
    text & $a+b$ \\
    text &       \\
    text & $x+y$ \\
    text &       \\


enter image description here

Updated: From version 2021N, tabularray supports trim options l, r and lr, but you need to put them inside square brackets.