Multiple section styles in same document


I have a multipart book. I want to create different styles for different chapters. Based on this, I worked so far:


%original definition Style A
%end of original definition


\part{First Part}
\chapter{Chapter one}
\chapter{Chapter two}

%another definition Style B
{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\filcenter\underline{\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}}\ \thechapter}}{20pt}{\Huge}
%end of other definition

\part{Second Part}

\chapter{Chapter three}
\chapter{Chapter four}

\chapter{Chapter five}


Problem is: Every time I have to set definition for new styles. My chapters will switch within frequently: Style A, Style B, Back to Style A, Style B, Even Style C (not implemented in code), Style A, Style B etc.

You see in code definition Style A is working on two chapters in Part 1, then definition Style B is applied on next two chapters, again next chapters uses definition Style A.

Is there any way to make this more organized that I can easily switch between styles for the chapters?

Best Answer

Define two commands \chapterA to apply to chapters style A and a \chapterB for style B.




%%original definition Style A



%%end of original definition

\newcommand{\chapterA}[1]{% style A <<<<<<<<<<

\newcommand{\chapterB}[1]{% style B <<<<<<<<<<
    {\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\filcenter\underline{\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}}\ \thechapter}}{20pt}{\Huge}

    \part{First Part}
    \chapterA{Chapter one}
    \chapterA{Chapter two}
%   %another definition Style B
%   \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
%   {\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\filcenter\underline{\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}}\ \thechapter}}{20pt}{\Huge}
%   %end of other definition
    \part{Second Part}
    \chapterB{Chapter three}
    \chapterB{Chapter four}
%   \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
%   {\normalfont\bfseries\filcenter}{\LARGE\thechapter}{1ex}
%   {\titlerule[2pt]\vspace{2ex}}[\vspace{1ex}{\titlerule[2pt]}]
    \chapterA{Chapter five}