Multiple references in Latex with page numbers


I am writing a paper where I want to cite several references. This works fine with:


Producing a fine output.

But I cannot figure out how I add page numbers to this.

If I have one reference I will just do


But how do I combine several references and only one of them needs to refer to a specific page(s)?

This does not work


Best Answer

The natbib package provides the "alternate" citation commands \citealt and \citealp, which act just like \citet and \citep, respectively, except that they don't generate parentheses.

I suggest you replace the single \citep directive with two \citealp directives; the first for the first entry (the one for which you want to provide a page range in the citation call-out), and the second for the 2nd and 3rd entries.

enter image description here

@misc{j,author="Mandy Jones",title="Thoughts",year=3001}
@misc{m,author="Mary Miller",title="Thoughts",year=3002}
@misc{s,author="Molly Smith",title="Thoughts",year=3003}

\setlength\parindent{0pt} % just for this example

\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % or some other suitable bib style


(\citealp[pp.\ 3--4]{j}; \citealp{m,s})
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